Sustainability is our goal. With cyment, we set an innovative focus within ALAS Baustoff-Holding: Securing environmentally friendly raw materials for concrete production is one of our core topics, as are the development of new binder systems and recycling economy.
Embedded in the structure of ALAS Baustoff-Holding, cyment draws on many years of diversified experience in the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials for the construction industry and in concrete production. At our plant in Mosonmagyaróvár, in the border triangle of Austria, Hungary, and Slovakia, we set new standards in sustainable building materials production.
Climate neutrality by the middle of the 21st century? We see ourselves as pioneers for this ambitious goal of the European cement and concrete industry. ALAS will bundle future R&D activities in the Competence Center from 2024 and has already been working intensively on the development of a hydraulically active binder in recent years. The reasons for this were, on the one hand, the sharp rise in cement prices and, on the other hand, the endeavor to create a resource-saving, “green” building product: cyment enables more sustainable concrete production and a significant reduction of the CO2 footprint.
cyment additives exhibit outstanding product properties while maintaining an extremely low CO2 footprint. Due to their hydraulic properties, they are suitable for all applications of mineral building materials.
In the building materials industry, quality assurance, research and development will meet under one roof in the future: The ALAS Center of Competence in Slovakia acts as a forward-looking innovation hub. Development and transfer of know-how and competencies form our solid foundation for continuous further development.
Scientific findings from R&D are directly transferred into practical applications, with the focus on cyment application and processing.
ALAS is continuously expanding its expertise in the application of mineral building materials, in securing raw materials, and in recycling building materials. For this purpose, existing R&D activities as well as building materials testing and quality assurance of the entire ALAS Group will be bundled on a cross-border basis in the new Competence Center in Bratislava in 2024. The center combines know-how from the fields of mineralogy, chemistry, mortar, cement, rock and binder testing, and concrete technology in a state-of-the-art laboratory and training building.
In the most modern grinding plant in Europe, cyment is produced in a resource-saving and energy-efficient way. The most efficient equipment is used for preparing the raw materials and processing them into a homogeneous product.
The use of proven technologies, coupled with state-ofthe- art machine technology, ensures efficient production with the lowest possible energy consumption. Highest standards are guaranteed by allencompassing quality assurance – along the entire process chain.
A new standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) aims to provide clear definitions and parameters for climate neutrality. In early 2023, the draft ISO 14068 standard was published to provide a general understanding with regard to carbon neutrality and the methods that will be used to achieve this goal. ISO 14068 in turn feeds into other, upstream ISO standards that describe innovative, efficient and verifiable solutions. This makes the effect of the measures taken traceable and also verifiable.
In order to make the CO2 footprint of cyment and the associated CO2 reduction in the end product concrete visible in figures, our calculation is based on the above-mentioned ISO 14068 as well as on the basis of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). The calculations are carried out in cooperation with the University of Leoben. For cyment L, this resulted in a CO2 equivalent of < 26.2 kg per ton of additive. In order to be able to present our surveys in a measurable and credible way for customers, they are accredited by an independent and official testing body.
Are you interested in a career at cyment?
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Are you interested in a career at cyment?
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Whether ready-mix concrete, site concrete, precast elements, mortar, concrete blocks, stabilizations: As a climate-friendly binder, the versatile Type II admixture cyment provides the ideal solution for CO2-reduced concrete with properties perfected to meet specific requirements. For sustainable construction with an optimal eco-balance.
The result: a concrete admixture whose CO2 footprint shows how to do it right. Where can it be used? On every construction site.
cyment Kft.
Vagon u. 10
HU-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár